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Developed an Android application for handling the Android Audio Manager automatically for students.The application comprises of two major modules,

  • Timer

  • Position Pointer

The Timer module defined set of times at which the android Audio Manager was Silenced using a background services registered with Broadcaster. The Position Pointer made use of GPS and Google Maps. The user defines a location and was continuously monitored using background services. If the current location of the user matches the defined one e.g. University the Audio Manager was Silenced other wise transferred to Normal Mode.
Technology:Android,Java,Google Play Services,XML,GPS

Worked on a proctorial board app by mapping the online existing website database on the android devices with a proper user interface. The app contained four major modules

  • Profile

  • Timeline

  • Messages

  • Fines

The application databases were distributed to user levels working locally on user devices. On the very first login request were generated to remote servers and user data essentials were imported from servers and deployed locally on his device. Asynchronous background services were written to keep the user data updated and user synchronized with the remote database. Updates can be initialized manually or automatically using Alarm Manager taking time in milliseconds in Broadcasters. Storage medium was Sqllite database communicated via database adapters.
Technology:Android,Java,XML,JSON,PHP,MySql,Sqllite,Sql Browser,Sql Administrator.

Proctors Live

Worked on the Horizontal Fragmentation of the CIIT Databases. Fragmented the databases on branch basis i.e. fragmenting the main database to local branches and all branches were communicated with the main schema using JAVA NETWORKS. Search for students records were written on the server to search for student records and whole database activity was monitored using terminal written on main Server. A proper patch was written for the communication between different database technologies deployed at different sites.
Technology:Java Networks,WAMP and XAMMP Server,Sql Server.

CIIT Database Fragmentation

Confronting Enemy Lines(3rd Person Shooting Game)

Worked on 3D Game on unity engine. The character model was designed and animated using blender. The character was rigged inside Unity and animated using unity standard animations library while some animations were generated using Blender.The 3rd person controls and enemy motions were written using C# scripts. The state machine for character animation were designed in unity for smooth animations using animation controller engine.Beside animation laser shooting using ray casting techniques,enemy AI were written using C# Scripts. Shadows,sounds,lightning and other effects were used effectively inside the game. The enemy motions were controlled by burning Navigation Meshes on the map. Textures were made in Photoshop.
Technology:Unity 3D Game Engine,C#,Blender,Photoshop,Unity Physics Engine,Unity Particle System,Unity State Machine,Unity Animation Controller,Unity Mesh Navigation Engine.

3D Plants vs Zombies

Developed a 3D Plant vs Zombies game in Unity3D. Four rows were defined in front of the house with zombies rising in random orders. Guns can be deployed in front of the house with timer based shots. Points were incremented or decremented on the basis of the user strategy.
Technology:Unity3D,C#,Animation Engine.

3D Pacman Game

Developed a 3D Pacman Game using Unity3D. Game comprises of several points separated across the maze. Hurdles and enemy were placed on the maze with three lives for the player. Enemy motion was based on mesh navigation and player motions were written using physics. Shadows and effects were applied in the game for making it look good.
Technology:Unity 3D Game Engine,C#,Unity Physics Engine,Unity Particle System,Unity Mesh Navigation Engine.

Transport Inventory

Worked on the transport inventory. The system controlled the expenses from oil to parts of the transport vehicles.The system contained different modules including reporting modules,fine,cash,oil,currency,routes,students,employee and challan modules.Dynamic controls were written and the flexibility in the site architect was kept to maximum so that it can attain changes according to user requirements.

Video Summarization

Worked on video processing summarization techniques. The algorithm designed was based on DOG techniques.The goal was to find out shot boundaries in the video and divide the whole video into chunks. Then select the best frame out of these sets. In this way one or two frames were selected from the whole set in a video. These frames summarized the whole video and the result were quite outstanding. The resultant frames contained all the scenes with the greatest amount of information from the video hence summarizing the video from hundred of Mb's to Kb's.
Technology:Image Processing,Video Processing,Matlab.

Scholarship cal

Worked on dynamic calculator to register new students for admission in the university and to help them check which scholarships are valid for them.The site took their scores starting from the Matriculation to HSSC level and highlighted the scholarships students are valid for. The system generated reports for the admission office to helps the student to register and get in contact with the management.

Tool Plaza Ticket Handler

Developed a Tool Plaza System for handling the taxes and tickets issued by the employees working at the plaza digitally on java application. The system communicated with the security and tracking agencies to generate continuous reports of the vehicle going by. The whole system was based on privileged methodology with limit of access and control over the database and front end modules. 
Technology:Java,MySql,MySql Workbench.

H-Student Connect

Developed a social network for the students inhabitant at hostels.The network goal was to connect the students across different branches of hostels and share what the got their hands on.Dynamic user profiles,home page,search engine for user based on name/id's,user privacy,comments,friend requests,messages,notification modules. The site was properly managed using session for security checks.Regular Expression were used on case sensitive field. Cross Site Scripting and Sql Injections attacks were prevented using PHP escape methodologies and logical breakthroughs.Code reusability was kept to maximum while the site was under construction.

Warfare Robotics Prototype-1

Developed an aerial and terrestrial drone controlled via Motion Controller Module coded in Android Technology. Live video telecasting using radio waves with a receiver attached to computer, processing video using real time Image Processing Algorithms. The remote camera attached with the drone telecasts the live video for object and enemy detection from the frames and helps the user to identify non friendly targets. A gun module was attached with a servo giving rotation at specific degrees to target the subject easily and take it out.
Technology:Android,Java,Microsoft Visual C++ 2012,GTK+,Image Processing,Arduino MEGA 2560,Bluetooth module HC-05.

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